
Инструмент оптом, новый инструмент

RU-1000 Рейтинг
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Раздел: Инструмент оптом, новый инструмент
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1. Eye protection: double filter to avoid harmful ultraviolet and infrared radiation generated by arc, and damage to eyes caused by welding strong lig...
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Поставщик: Sunhigh Welding Equipment Co., Ltd.

Раздел: Инструмент оптом, новый инструмент
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High-quality aluminum is made of aluminum alloy. The surface is smooth and no burrs. Standard specifications. Product shapes and specifications meet n...
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Поставщик: Sunhigh Welding Equipment Co., Ltd.

Раздел: Инструмент оптом, новый инструмент
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The silicone rubber material is made of non-toxic and odorless silicone rubber material. It is safe and environmentally friendly. It is small in size...
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Поставщик: Sunhigh Welding Equipment Co., Ltd.

Раздел: Инструмент оптом, новый инструмент
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The main body of the welding machine is a power supply; but it is a power supply designed according to certain functions; then, the output of the weld...
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Поставщик: Sunhigh Welding Equipment Co., Ltd.

Раздел: Инструмент оптом, новый инструмент
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The function is to hold the welding rod and conduct the welding current during welding. It is used in conjunction with the arc welding machine. During...
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Поставщик: Sunhigh Welding Equipment Co., Ltd.

Раздел: Инструмент оптом, новый инструмент
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Поставщик: Sunhigh Welding Equipment Co., Ltd.

Раздел: Инструмент оптом, новый инструмент
Нет фото

Plasma cutting torch p80 lengthened cutting torch wire cutting torch plasma cutting machine accessories lengthened cutting torch strong penetrating po...
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Поставщик: Sunhigh Welding Equipment Co., Ltd.

Раздел: Инструмент оптом, новый инструмент
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TIG welding gun scientific gas-electric integrated design does not have high temperature, high strength, anti-folding, copper wire, imported silicone...
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Поставщик: Sunhigh Welding Equipment Co., Ltd.

Раздел: Инструмент оптом, новый инструмент
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Поставщик: Sunhigh Welding Equipment Co., Ltd.

Раздел: Инструмент оптом, новый инструмент
Заточка производится на автоматических станках фирмы Vollmer (Германия): дисковые пилы затачиваются на трехкоординатных станках Vollmer CHC и Vollmer...
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