
Whoesale Price for High Quality Testosterone Phenylpropionate powder for sale half-life cycle and Be

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Whoesale Price for High Quality Testosterone Phenylpropionate powder for sale half-life cycle and Be

Product Name:Testosterone Phenylpropionate
Chemical Name:4-Androsten-17β-ol-3-one Phenylpropionate
Other Name:Test Prop or Propionate Test Prop, Prop
MW: 420.58
CAS NO.:1255-49-8
Purity: 99%
Packing: sample 10g,100g500g,1kg
Appearance: white crystalline powder; MP: white crystalline powder
Storage: Shading, confined preservation
Usage: Pharmaceutical material, Steroid hormone, Anabolin. As a male hormone and anabolic hormones.

The availability of a perfect testosterone to use with Testosterone Phenyl Propionate was always an issue. We needed was a testosterone you can draw in the same syringe as NPP. That would release exactly like NPP. This was the biggest reason Testosterone Phenyl Propionate’s (TPP) development . TPP is slightly longer than Test Propionate but shorter than Testosterone Cypionate. TPP has the same ester as NPP and will elevate blood serum levels at exactly the same time.

It leaves the athlete to decide what his stack is to be. More androgenic or more anabolic. By mixing more test than Deca you will have all the strength and size gains and joint protection from the Deca. If you want a smaller androgenic effect, to keep the sex drive up, increases the deca ratio and decrease the testosterone. You can play with the mix until it suits you best. Having the the best of both worlds from the two compounds. Even if release time is the same but are totally opposite in anabolic and androgenic effects.

Both these products are relatively cheap and a perfect combo. It gives you (the athlete) the opportunity to mix according to your needs. You can have size and strength or hard and lean depending on your ratio mixed. You can adjust your combo as you go along for precise results and it can be done in one single syringe.

100mg to 200mg twice to three times a week

Where Test Prop has to be taken every second day and at a stretch every third day to keep blood serum levels constant, Testosterone Phenyl Propionate can be taken twice a week or every fourth day. TPP is slightly longer in its actions than Test Propionate.

Another advantage of this substance does not cause pain on the injection site like Test Prop. Feedback from athletes showed they preferred this to Test Prop. Because it is similar but without the discomfort at the injection site. Because of availability, Test Prop became popular amongst users who where unaware of Testosterone Phenyl Propionate. In theory and practice Testosterone Phenyl Propionate is as effective as Test Propionate. But with greater advantages on administration.

CAS 1255-49-8
Цена: 6 руб.
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