
Bulk Price for sale Testosterone isocaproate powder

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Bulk Price for sale Testosterone isocaproate powder

Testosterone isocaproate powder
Purity:99% HPLC
Packing:10g,100g,500g and 1kg
Min Order: Powder---10gram, Oil---50ml
Payment:Bitcoin,Moneygram and Wester Union
Lead time:24hours after received payment
Safe shipping to US and most of Europe country

Product link to :www.astersteroids.com/bulk-price-for-sale-testosterone-isocaproate-powder-injection-for-bodybuilding-half-life-cycle-and-benefit/
Product Name:Testosterone isocaproate
Alias:Testosterone isocaproate;17beta-Hydroxyandrost-4-ene-3-one4-methylvalerate;4-Androsten-17b-ol-3-one 17-[4-Methylpentanoate]
CAS : 15262-86-9
EINECS : 239-307-1
MF: C25H38O3
MW : 386.57
Purity: 99%
Packing: sample 10g,100g500g,1kg
Appearance: white crystalline powder;
Storage: Shading, confined preservation
Usage : can be used as pharmaceutical material , male sexual dysfunction and Adrenal cortical hormone drugs, anti-inflammatory, anti allergic, antitoxic.
Testosterone Isocaproate Function:
Testosterone Isocaproate will help in increasing the body weight and will also help in gaining the strength. It also helps in losing fat in the body and gives an increase in libido, red blood cells, stamina and quick recovery after heavy training. As told earlier it is very hard to be found in the market in its purest form but its raw powder form is available in the market in the form of Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate. Testosterone Isocaproate is useful in increasing the synthesis of protein in the body, reduction of the cortisol, increasing the ability to recover especially after heavy trainings, increasing strength and helps the person gaining more mass. It is also very efficient in both cutting and the bulking cycles. But as it is related with the family of androgen it will have aromatizing properties as well. Apart from these benefits it has got all other benefits associated with it which are also associated with any other testosterone.

CAS : 15262-86-9
MF: C25H38O3
Цена: 7 руб.
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