Corrosion Resistant Rotating Fountain Nozzle |
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Rotating Fountain Nozzles are made of high-grade stainless steel with strong corrosion resistance. Rotating nozzles are specialized nozzles used in musical dancing fountains to create dynamic and visually appealing water effects. The main feature of a rotating nozzle is its ability to create a rotating water pattern. When water flows through the nozzle, it generates a reaction force that causes the entire nozzle to revolve. This rotation effect gives the impression of a young girl dancing, as the water curves and moves in a graceful and swirling manner. The rotating motion of the water from the branch pipes of the nozzle creates an elegant and captivating display. As the water jets curve and rotate, they produce a mesmerizing visual effect, enhancing the overall beauty of the fountain. This type of nozzle is often used in musical fountains to synchronize the rotating water patterns with the accompanying music, adding an extra layer of artistry and entertainment. The design and configuration of rotating nozzles may vary, allowing for customization and versatility in creating different water patterns and effects. These nozzles are typically controlled by a computerized system that precisely coordinates their rotation and water flow, ensuring a synchronized and captivating performance.
Цена: 2520 руб.
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Внимание! Информация по Corrosion Resistant Rotating Fountain Nozzle предоставлена компанией-поставщиком Changsha Himalaya Music Fountain Equipment Corporation Limited. Для того, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию, узнать актуальную цену или условия постаки, нажмите ссылку «Отправить сообщение». |
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