
Oral Anabolic Steroid Methasterone/superdrol Powder price

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Oral Anabolic Steroid Methasterone/superdrol Powder price

Product link to :https://www.astersteroids.com/oral-methasterone-superdrol-powder-price-for-sale-bodybuilding-cycle-dosage-and-benefits-cas3381-88-2/
Product Name:Methasteron
Other name:Superdrol
Alias:2,17-Dimethyldihydrotestosterone, 17-hydroxy-2,17-dimethylandrostan-3-one, Superdrol,17a-Methyl-Drostanolone
Purity: 99%
Appearance: White crystalline powder
Packing: sample 10g,100g500g,1kg
Storage: Shading, confined preservation
Usage : Its tumor inhibiting properties , and it is noted as being a \"potent orally active anabolic agent exhibiting only weak androgenic activity

Methasteron (Superdrol, and methyldrostanolone) is an oral anabolic steroid. For bodybuilding/athletic purposes Superdrol increases testosterone levels which induce substantial increases in bodily shape and size, largely due to its ability to increase your number of muscle fibers.
These benefits alone make Superdrol a formidable androgen, but it also encompasses other traditional steroid properties like: increased red blood cell (RBC) production; improved endurance during exercise via better lactic acid clearing; enhanced oxygen and nutrient delivery to working muscles for greater stamina; better muscle glycogen restoration after exercise for faster recovery and; the inhibition of catabolism (muscle destruction).

Methasteron Benefits
Methasteron(Superdrol) is an anabolic androgenic steroid comprised of the active steroidal hormone Methyldrostanolone. This is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic steroid or more specifically a structurally altered form of Drostanolone. Superdrol is simply the Drostanolone hormone with an added methyl group at the 17th carbon position that allows the hormone to survive oral ingestion and officially classifies it as a C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) anabolic steroid. It also carries an added methyl group at the carbon two position, which greatly increases its anabolic power. These slight alterations will also reduce Superdrol’s androgenicity compared to Masteron, which isn\'t all that androgenic to begin with.

Цена: 7 руб.
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Oral Anabolic Steroid Methasterone/superdrol Powder price

Product Name:Methasteron Other name:Superdrol Alias:2,17-Dimethyldihydrotestosterone, 17-hydroxy-2,17-dimethylandrostan-3-one, Superdrol,17a-Methyl-Drostanolone CAS:3381-88-2 MF:C21H34O2 MW:318.4935 P

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