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VOLKAN steam pipe ovens serves traditional baking aroma and taste for your products. They are both suitable for your boutique and high capacity production, as well as ARENA automatic loading system. VOLKAN claims maximum efficiency with highest heating power and least fuel consumption in bread ovens category.It has baking area options of 10, 13.5 and 18 m?. PIPE HEATING SYSTEM Unlike other ovens, VOLKAN hasn't a circulation fan in its working system. The heat is transferred to the baking chamber naturally by. water in special pipe construction. The oven also has a refractory brick base which retains a high amount of heat inside for a long period. Thus; the product comes together with continious phase of heat and steam. That results in maximum baking quality and efficiency. MAIN FEATURES Refractory baking stones which are certificated for food safety directivesStainless steel cover sheets, baking chamber and combustion unitLate cooling and quick start-up advantagesHeating pipes in which the water is circulated, are tested up to 600 mbar pressure. This guarantees highest level of safety standardsLowest fuel consumption with high isolation quality: Thanks to different types of special refractory materials designed and produced by REMSANIndependent steam controls of decksExternal steam generator input for combined oven systems in ARENA ( Optional )Fuel options: Natural Gas, LPG/ LNG, diesel, fuel oil, types of solid fuel VOLKAN is recommended for the production of : Bread Types ( Loaf, Bun& Rolls, Toast , Pita Bread )Traditional BreadsDessertsPastry Products
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VOLKAN steam pipe ovens serves traditional baking aroma and taste for your products. They are both suitable for your boutique and high capacity production, as well as ARENA automatic loading system. V
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Внимание! Информация по Паротрубная печь BFO-135 Steam Pipe Oven предоставлена компанией-поставщиком ДСМ Машинери, ООО. Для того, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию, узнать актуальную цену или условия постаки, нажмите ссылку «Отправить сообщение».