
The COMPACT T 20 installation of SIMA SRL firm, Italy, complete, for production of the fibrillated thread from the high-focused polymeric films (PP, PET, PA6,POM). Productivity is 50-70 kg/h. The equipment in packing. The price in a warehouse of the selle

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The COMPACT T 20 installation of SIMA SRL firm, Italy, complete, for production of the fibrillated thread from the high-focused polymeric films (PP, PET, PA6,POM). Productivity is 50-70 kg/h. The equipment in packing. The price in a warehouse of the selle
"The COMPACT T 20 installation of SIMA SRL firm, Italy for production of the fibrillated thread from the high-focused polymeric films (PP, PET, PA6, POM), complete. Productivity is 50-70 kg/h. The structure of installation includes system of preparation of polymers, the extrusive line, orientation and exhaust part, the coil-processing block, electric equipment for the extrusive line, the refrigeration unit "PIOVAN. The equipment is made in 2007, new, in packing. Technical documentation set. The price in a warehouse of the seller in Moscow 500 000 euros. Address: Perovsky Drive 35, 111024 Moscow, Russia. Ph. +7 (495) 600 06 03, fax +7(495) 626 84 03, e-mail: taidakova@instplast.ru"
Информация по The COMPACT T 20 installation of SIMA SRL firm, Italy, complete, for production of the fibrillated thread from the high-focused polymeric films (PP, PET, PA6,POM). Productivity is 50-70 kg/h. The equipment in packing. The price in a warehouse of the selle предоставлена компанией-поставщиком Георешетка, ООО. Для того, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию, узнать актуальную цену или условия постаки, нажмите ссылку «Отправить сообщение».
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